Category: All Interviews
Interview:1990-Silverstar Club
Thanks to Jun Ohira. From Japanese magazine “ Silverstar Club “ interviewer : Kenji Kikuchi in Tokyo,Japan around 1990 ■ How did you become interested in Mishima? DOUGLAS: In 1980, I was shown what I thought up until a few months ago was one book called “Otoko no Shi” (Death of a Man). It was very, very Important for my life. These were pictures of Yukio Mishima in dramatic scenes of death. He was portraying death. It was a series of photos that were taken, in fact, shortly before he…
Interview:1988-Portuguese Radio Interview by Fred S
Interview:1998-Mehr Licht 6/7
Many Thanks to Luis for the files. Mehr Licht 6 / January 1998 Mehr Licht 7 / April 1998 Mehr Licht / english version Mehr Licht! #10 – Death In June / Douglas P. interview 1999 part of this interview was published on the site 1. Will David Tibet ever work with Death In June again? And Rose? People have a fetish for looking back at the past. I’m not too interested in that. Today should be great and tomorrow even better. It’s an easy and comfortable trap into…
Interview:2018-Non Pop
With the DEATH IN JUNE work “ESSENCE!” Douglas P. has unquestionably created a great album that combines the strong, traditional DEATH IN JUNE elements with some innovations and alternative twists. The following article is a summary of a conversation with Douglas that I had with him during December 2018. The pictures are used by kind permission of Douglas P.. After Douglas had sent me the new DEATH IN JUNE album, I of course had some questions relating “ESSENCE!”. At first he told me, that he actually no longer do interviews,…
Interview:2006-The Eye
Full transcription from the Brainwashed video interview “The Eye” I’m open to people’s interpretations, I mean it’s like for instance the name Death in June, they’ve been so many different interpretations, but I still think the most interesting, one which is one of the more recent in the past few years was that I was derived from the assassination of the Archduke Prince Ferdinand Sarajevo in June 1914, I’d never thought about that but of course it does have a relevance here. We live in a world shaped by what…
Interview:2006-Behind The Mask
Transcription from the DVD : Once you’ve truly looked into the abyss. You get a fit of the giggles. Our family was a very unhappy dysfunctional family. I have to state that, you know, life didn’t change just where my father died. It changed as soon as I was born, that was, it was always going to be odd. They, my mum and dad pretty much hated each other and let the family know about it in an uncertain manner. So that kind of thing is, is always in progress….
Interview:1992-Zillo 5/92
Many thanks to Petr of for the scans. “Diejenigen, die uns als Faschisten deklarieren, haben von Death In June keine Ahnung. Sie suchen nach einer Schublade, in die sie uns stecken können, und nehmen die, die sich am schnellsten findet.” – Douglas P. 1992 feiert Death In June elfjähriges Bestehen. Trotz wechselnden Personals und zeitweiliger Verachtung durch Presseorgane besteht das Projekt fort.Gekrönt werden soll dieses Jubiläum durch das neue Werk “But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter”, welches gerade von Douglas P., dem einzig verbliebenen Gründungsmitglied der Band, eingespielt…
Interview:1992-Unknown audio recording
With your new LP and CD and touring during the last three years, many different countries and you travel a lot. Are you searching something on your, maybe, vacations or inspiration… Wherever I go I always work. And, I’ve been traveling abroad since I was 17, quite extensively throughout the world. And so this is like, I’d be doing it anyway, but wherever I go, I’m always utilizing either my photography or, you know, I’m writing in whatever place I find myself. But after the recording of the last LP,…
Interview:1991-Propaganda Magazine
It’s not easy being a fan of Death In June; they have no videos out, they rarely if ever tour, their records are extremey difficult to find, and the band rarely appears on the covers of them. Death In June is more a state of mind than a band. It is as much a cultural experience as it is a muslcal one. Death In June is a world view conceived by one man – Douglas Pearce. And because this view and the music it’s set to is so hard to…
Não parece fácil compartilhar o passado individual com alguém. É algo demasiado importante que nos pertence e cria reservas. Quando solicitada esta entrevista supunha que Douglas P. — fundador e único membro de Death in June — se esquivaria a falar sobre certos temas comprometedores, mas daí a impôr a surpreendente condição de “no questions about the past of the group” vai uma longa distância. Da desilusão inicial até uma efectiva compreensão da sua posição foi um rápido passo. Um certo mistério que sempre envolveu os Death In June permanece….
Interview2020:Dark Italia Si avvicina il traguardo dei 40 anni per i Death in June che, per l’occasione, ci regalano qualche bella sorpresa in esclusiva per voi lettori e amici di Darkitalia. Ecco che abbiamo realizzato questa news speciale tutta per voi, con il nuovo video appena uscito e un’intima e toccante intervista realizzata da Ottavio Chiodo al nostro caro Douglas, che ci confessa tutti i segreti sui Crisis e (forse) sul futuro imminente dei Death in June. Curiosi? Continuate a leggere! Prima di cominciare con le notizie, ecco cosa ci ha…
Interview:1985-Sounds Magazine
Many thanks to Simon at FBrecords for the scan.